This one was never planned; no-one suggested it, it just arrived, in the washbasin to be precise, but more on that later. Somehow I want to read this one in a funny mocking voice, especially from v 19 when it starts to list the promises made by God to his anointed one, the king, '...his line shall continue forever...' and then in v 38 it turns savage, 'BUT NOW YOU HAVE SPURNED AND REJECTED HIM!' and the psalm ends with a 'where is your steadfast love of old...?', and an editor (I think) steps in and puts a lid on it all with a 'Blessed be the Lord forever'.

How many miles of bunting were used in the UK this year? Enough to go 6 times round the globe? At least it was useful for the Olympics too, and here; I even have a bit with some wildflower meadow on it rather like the green and pleasant land evoked this summer in the opening ceremony.
Whatever pocket I have been working on, there have always been things going on that have resonated so much, and it happened also that at just this time, I bought a new bike that happened to be red and white, so worn with a blue dress.... so this psalm pocket is a celebration of all things monarchical in 2012, but with a sideways look at whether the fabric of society is getting a bit tatty; it could even be dissolvable.
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