Friday, 22 April 2011

Proverbs altar frontal

This is a pic of a group effort altar frontal I organised for our church, St, Mary's, Barton-on-Humber. It isn't finished in this pic, I can't find a pic of the finished thing, so please ignore the raw edges and the fact that it is propped up on chairs. The idea behind it was to do something complementary to the window depicting the superwoman in Proverbs 31. See Gordon Plumb's photos of the window at

Thus several people took up the invitation to embroider a square to illustrate a proverb or theme from Proverbs. Then I sewed them all together, interspersed with a green lattice suggestive of the rural environment for which the book seems to have been produced, maybe aimed at helping young farmers choose a suitable wife. The off-centre look is deliberate: it is an invitation to see the thing (the book? the frontal?) as unfinished so that we may ourselves be woven into it. No-one handed in a depiction Lady Folly; I ended up doing that one myself.