Monday 10 October 2011

Music hall

T'lads'll go ballistic! They're always telling me I grumble too much about things I can't change, and that I ought to count my blessings etc etc. I've been looking round the vicarage wistfully, thinking 'Wouldn't it be nice if there were just SOMETHING you could say about this place, such as it has some charming feature/ is spacious / has lots of cupboards... just SOMEthing.

It DOES have a lovely garden, but most of the year one lives inside, looking at a desk or sewing machine. I heard recently of someone moving into a vicarage where they have been able to put their grand piano in the hallway, and so I thought 'Don't get downhearted, Viv, do the same!' and so you can see from the pic that I have tried to stop my grumbles and make the best of it. What, you mean you can't see it? I'd better provide a close-up.

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